School Days


It is a huge part of our world here, and I am still loving it!

Planning their days is such a joy for me!

Age is mellowing me and making me a teacher who is not focused so rigidly on a check-list, but more rigidly on running with their interests and keeping their hearts….all three things I have always focused on through the years, but the priorities seem different now!

I am hoping by fall that I have a vision for what the Lord is laying on Blake and my hearts – and can visually see the rhythm of how our day will go.

We were learning “or” and “ar” sounds one morning, but Eliza wanted to know if the bottom left word was supposed to be “shunt.” Most six year olds don’t know what a shunt is! SO cute.

Lately I have been running with a unit of some kind for the youngest three kiddos, but am thankful when Chad likes to jump in with us too!

When a unit idea pops into my head, I go to Pinterest first and search for a book list.

For example for Easter I searched “Easter book list for elementary age.”

I pulled up a second tab on my computer screen and started to search on our library website for the books that I found through that Pinterest search.

I ordered all the books that I could find, waited till they were all at our local library, and ran and picked them up!

We are in the midst of a huge butterfly study (more on that later!) and I just ordered a whole pile of books for a bird study next!

We spent the week before Easter talking about it, reading Easter books, and doing a few Easter related crafts.

This was a sweet, sweet time with Tate and Eliza, as all of this is still very new for them!

This book was SO sweet.

Sparked a lot of good conversation!

I also loved the book The Tale of Three Trees.

There is always read aloud in our days.

Here is our stack right now – for Tate and Eliza’s sake, because they have never heard them before.

Something else I enjoy SO very much, is Bible time with the kiddos.

We start our school day with 30 minutes of Bible time.

First we sing together – and no, I cannot sing!

We are learning songs together this year, and it has been the sweetest time ever.

We use You Tube as our accompaniment.

If you are homeschooling your kiddos, I encourage you to do this!!

After our song, I have a devotion I read, then we read some verses from Proverbs, and then we have a prayer time.

We go around our “circle” and each one of us prays out loud every time.

To hear the voices of my children lift the needs of others before the throne of God is the most rewarding thing.

It certainly is the best part of our day!!

What a joy to spend my days with these precious blessings!!!

Age has also shown me that time is fleeting!

I am holding on TIGHT and purposing to enjoy every. single. second. before the years are suddenly gone!

Home school Mama’s – I hope you are enjoying your days too!!