Fun Facts Friday!!

Yippee, it’s Friday!

And it’s the beginning of a big change in our weather!

It actually is going to look and feel like November in Wisconsin – imagine that!

The cold snap is starting tonight – with some SNOW predicted!

It was 64 degrees yesterday!

I don’t think our bodies or minds are ready!

God has really been showing off here on our ridge lately!

Such beauty every single day!




This week has been about a sick puppy.

It broke my heart to see Sadie so sick.

Sunday we called our vet and she met us at the clinic. Sadie could not even lift her head.

She had a 105 fever, and some blood work showed she has Anaplasmosis. For those of you who do not live in a tick infected area, this is a tick borne illness. We have pulled two ticks off of Sadie recently.


Monday Sadie got much worse. I took her back to the vet myself, and she received IV fluids and a big ole shot.

She looked much better afterward!


She spent the rest of Monday like this. Zoe would not leave her side! Normally Zoe does not tolerate Sadie!


I am happy to say that Sadie is back to her normal self! Except she may be a bit more spoiled than before! Because I have been cooking ground meat, brown rice, eggs, and bone broth for her! And because she has been laying in our laps! Sweet girl, it’s ok that you are spoiled!

Speaking of sweet things – sweet Clyde Strength is gaining speed these days! He is bravely walking in between things, and runs when holding our hands!



SO – the big question of the day –

Are you all before Thanksgiving Christmas decorators or after Thanksgiving Christmas decorators?!

This is serious stuff!!

I am having a hard time getting in the mood, beings it has been so incredibly warm here.

BUT, we are going for the before Thanksgiving Christmas decoration look this year! Except for our Christmas tree, which we will go and cut down next weekend.

We are very excited for Thanksgiving day!!

This tree is as far as I have gotten!


It may have been unseasonably warm here – but hot drinks have been my afternoon treat.

This Cinnamon Rooibos herbal tea? YES, please.


Pumpkin Spice Latte? Every single day? UH HUH.

SO easy to make!

Heat 1/2 to 1 cup of half and half or whole milk (coconut creamer in my case) with a heaping tablespoon of pumpkin, and 1 tablespoon of sugar (I use stevia instead of sugar) in a pot on the stove. Heat until it starts to roll into a boil, but do not boil. Turn off the heat.

Add 1/4 to 1/2 tsp of pumpkin pie spice, and a small splash of vanilla. Blend with an immersion blender until frothy, being careful not to splash yourself. Or your children! Do not ask me why I know that.

Make a small, strong cup of espresso or regular coffee. I just use the Keurig and make the smallest size cup of coffee. Pour your latte mixture over top of the coffee, tap a little pumpkin spice on top to make it gorgeous looking, and ENJOY!!


Good thing those colder and winter like days are arriving, because I have been in serious winter project mode.

Why not get a head start?

My winter project list is mostly the same every year, but sometimes I have new things to add to it as well.

I use my men to help pull out fridges and freezers to clean behind. We touch up paint in every room that needs it. I move all my photo files off the computer to a cloud. I order blog scrapbooks, and this year I will be adding Instagram Chatbooks. I dust the walls (yes, I do!), clean the junk drawers and closets, defrost the freezers, and wash all the light fixtures. I also do the huge project of cleaning the filing cabinets and all the files.

I tackled this one already, and my hands have touched every piece of paper in those filing cabinets. This job had been neglected for FAR too long, and it was time to conquer it. Conquer it I did! We have two drawers of bills and paperwork files, and one whole drawer of adoption paperwork files. So glad to have that done!


My grocery crew grew by one today, and they are out with a HUGE list that includes our Thanksgiving plans. So grateful for this crew!! They have so much fun going after grocery, crazy kids!


Hope you all are having a GREAT FRIDAY too!!

Happy weekend!!!


  1. Jennie says:

    I love this post! So glad your puppy is feeling better and that you got to spend some time with that speedy grandson!

    Yay for the pumpkin spice recipe….and the motivation to get some good cleaning done since our cold weather is coming tonight too!

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