The Promised Land

You may remember me telling you that walking through an adoption has been compared to being in the wilderness.

For us, particularly me, the wait has been our wilderness.

For others it could be the financial strain. The endless amount of paperwork. The fear of the unknowns. The trip to China. Or the medical special need their new child has that is about to change their lives forever.

For us, the wait.

I won’t lie. I have worried about the finances some. I am good at that worrying thing. And it is the most unproductive thing I ever do. I know the Lord has this. He will help us finish what we started.

He showed us that just this week with amazing, incredible news that left our mouths hanging open. Thank you, Jesus, for having others obey a burden on their hearts that blessed us so much!

We are about to enter the Promised Land. Which means that Eliza will be in our arms for the first time. That is our Promised Land! I wish we could sprint through the rest of this wilderness! We are keeping our eyes on Jesus, though, and He is providing us with our daily manna…the peace that He will have us in China at His perfectly appointed time. We are SO thankful for that kind of peace.

This last year has been an amazing year of growth for our whole family. It hasn’t been easy, but it has been oh so good.

I paint little pictures of what I want my life to be,
But my perspective seems too small.
I can’t see the masterpiece You have painted for me,
Hangin’ up on heaven’s wall.

I should just keep lookin’, keep lookin’ up to Jesus.
I should just keep lookin’, keep lookin’ up, He’s more than enough.

Promised Land, here we come!!