Team Eliza

Blake and I are team Eliza tomorrow as we will head to UW Madison for a sedated CMG test as a routine check of the pressures of Eliza’s bladder. We also have an appointment with the urologist.

Yesterday Eliza had an ultrasound of her kidneys and bladder done locally. She will also have x-rays and see the orthopedic doctor this month as part of her routine care.

Can you believe how big our sweet girl is getting??

These sedated appointments give us a very early start on the road….and a little one that is not allowed to eat or drink. Prayers are coveted, as always, for travel and especially for Eliza!

She no longer struggles riding in the van, as can be seen here:

We have been doing our best to prepare Tate for what this day will mean for him. So far, he is not taking this news lightly! Prayers for feelings of security for our little man while we are away are also coveted!



Give a shout of praise to the Lord, too, for the amazing team of doctors we have for our two precious little ones!


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